2009年6月3日 星期三





【上圖:法蘭克福 Hotel Adler 地圖】

話說我的旅途將從法蘭克福開始,逆時針繞中、北德一圈,再回到法蘭克福搭機離德。我早在幾個月前便預訂了抵德後的第一夜,以及最後兩夜在法蘭克福的旅館,是同一家,名為 Hotel Adler。這是一家商務旅館,擁有免費無線上網的服務,距離法蘭克福火車站不到一百公尺,地點很不錯,而一晚單人房要價45歐元,在交通這麼便利的地方,價位還算合理。





Dear Sir/Miss,

My name is Ernest Wu, and I come from Taiwan. I had booked several months ago for a single room in your hotel for 3 nights (that will fall on July 15 and Aug 12-13, 2009) by the online hotel reservations "Booking.com".

I will ride a circle this summer around the middle and the northern Germany with my bicycle, and the first and the final stops will be in your hotel. I'll then take a taxi and bring my bike (which will be packaged with a paper box) with me from the Frankfurt airport to your hotel. So I would like to beg you for two things in the followings:

The first one is that if you can store my bicycle box in your hotel when I leave Frankfurt for the next city on July 16? I'll come back to your place when I finish my trip on Aug 12. That is, this paper box will be stored in your hotel for about one month, if you agree to my request. I'll try my best to contract this paper box and let it be flattened. So it won't occupy too much space in your hotel. Could you do me a favor for this? The second one is that if I want to take a taxi with my bike from the Frankfurt airport to your hotel, how much it will cost about?

Thanks for answering me about my request and question. If you could help me to solve these problems, I'll deeply appreciate for your kindness! Hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,

Ernest Wu


Dear Mr. Wu,

Regarding your email - we need the exact size of your Box (length, breadth, depth), because we have only a limited storage capacity.

The only possibility will be to put the box at our outside court - but we will not take any guarantee for it.

We are also not sure that the regular taxi will take you with a big box from the airport to the hotel! A big van will charge you between 50-75 EUR, but there is no guarantee for this information.

We are waiting for your answer!

Best regards

Hotel Adler

Mark Awad/ Reception

旅館的回信直接而坦白,他們願意幫忙的態度,也的確讓我鬆了一口氣。原來他們只有一個小儲藏室,所以得先問我箱子大小;萬一裝不下,還可以讓我放在院子裡,只是並不負責保管它。至於計程車車資,一趟箱型車從機場到市區,要價不斐,看來我得好好考慮考慮要不要花這來回 150 歐元的車資。於是我繼續問道:

Dear Sir/Miss,

Thanks for your message, and sorry for answering late.

The size of my bicycle box is: length- -130cm , breadth- -75cm , and depth- -25cm. I've attached a picture file below, and I can let it be flattened, so I think it won't occupy too much space.

I also want to thank you for the taxi information that you had offered me.

Besides, I do worry about that my box will be damaged after a long flight, so my last question is that if I throw my box away when I arrive at the Frankfurt airport and ride my bicycle directly to your hotel, do you think it is easy to get a new paper box from a bicycle shop nearby your hotel? If I can get a new one easily before I come back, then you don't have to store my old box for me.

Thanks again for your kindness for answering my question and solving my problem.

Best regards,

Ernest Wu

【上圖:我將入住的旅館單人房,照片取自 Hotel Adler 網站】


Dear Mr. Wu,

We urgently advice you to keep the box although it could be damaged. You will not be able to ride your bike to our hotel since the only way you could take would be over the highway, which is dangerous and not allowed by bike.

We advice you to take the train S8 or S9 to the main train station (Hauptbahnhof). We are only 100m away from the station.

We will do our best to store your box in our hotel.

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to welcome you in our hotel.

With best regards

Hotel Adler
Mr. Liran Gordon / Reception

天啊,還好他告訴我:法蘭克福機場並沒有一般腳踏車可以走的道路連接到市區,否則小弟這下子騎上高速公路被警察逮捕,恐怕人還沒到旅館,就要先上德國新聞了!所以,看來我只能乖乖拎著箱子,搭 S-Bahn 地鐵或計程車到旅館;所幸箱子尺寸塞得進他們的儲藏室,他們也承諾要好好幫我保管,真是幸運!

看著信,我心裡想著:住三個晚上,他們也不過賺我 135 歐元,卻願意一封一封信與我溝通,這份誠意真是令人感激;或者我應該說,這就是一個「先進國家」該有的樣子──在任何小事上,多用了一點心──而話說回來,那份信件背後服務客人的用心,豈是區區金錢可以換得?


Lieber Herr Liran Gordon, (親愛的 Gordon 先生)

Vielen Dank!! (非常感謝)

Sehr behilflich ist Ihr Rat für mich, (您的建議對我非常有幫助,)

und ich freue mich auf Sie! (期待與您見面!)

Herzliche Grüssen!! 誠摯祝福您!

Ernest Wu

我想,我對認真教我德文的老師感到非常抱歉:這封短信應該有不少用字或文法的錯誤,不然就是讀起來很拗口吧,呵呵~~可是這樣也好,這是我對他們誠意相助、用心服務客人的小小回報:但願他們也能讀出我努力地使用他們這種艱難語文寫信的「誠意」--當然,我今後會更努力學習德文的 ^^

12 則留言:

  1. 騎單車上highway 被捕,這也許可以大大提升台灣的國際能見度?! 哈哈


  2. 宏仁大哥


  3. To Luvklimt,



  4. 唉唷,一直看著版主"單車環德"系列


    例如 慕尼黑的英國花園、科隆的大教堂、冷的半死的國王湖....


  5. 加油,我去年也去法國騎了21天,祝你玩的愉快

  6. To Ru,




  7. To 螃蟹,


  8. To 路人甲,


  9. 預祝你旅途平安~

  10. To Lisa,


  11. 時間過得真快呀,已是六月了,


